life competition


This is me...i'm a competitor

I'm a fighter, i'm a perfectionist in my art, 

just endings, no starts. 

I respect my enemies in the hope that they will respect me

and in that respect i hope that they will try to give me their worst...

'cause whether or not they know it...

i'm about to give them my version of hell..

and the worst I can do is release a flurry of preparation on the least prepared...

and turn a sport into a slaying. 

And if its the other way around, just know, you can beat me down as many times, 

but i'm gonna get back up twice as many times.

it's all in the heart but prepared in the mind. 

if its a test, just know i may not know the immediate answer,

 but i'll shatter the pen writing down everything i know. 

and burn the paper with the intensity of my craft,

and leave them wondering why they thought i was daft.

who laughed?

Gohan Canvas courtesy of Amazon

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